Finding Greater Peace of Mind

Few of us have true peace of mind. Few of us are content with our lives, our bodies, ourselves and the world around us but it is possible to change this, to find greater peace of mind and live a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life.

Sound good? Here are a few things you can do to boost your peace of mind right now.

Live your morals

It’s hard to truly feel at peace with yourself if you aren’t living your life in a way that’s true to your values so if you do nothing else from this post, make an effort to live your life in a way that aligns with your morals. Whether that means giving up meat, trying to reduce your plastic consumption or heading off to build schools in a developing country, even if it’s tough, you’ll find that you’re a lot more content when you’re living the right way for you.

Do the hardest work first

Whether it’s exercising that is most difficult in your life or filing a tough report at work, if you set your life up so that you are always tackling the hardest work first, life will be much easier. Once that daunting thing that’s making you dread the day is out of the way, the feeling you experience will be so freeing that you will be far more content and at peace than you would be if you left it to last, where it would hang like a shadow over you.

Start a yoga practice

Whether you hit up a local Hatha yoga class or do online Ashtanga Yoga, there is no denying that taking some time out to just breathe and be in your body can be an extremely liberating and peace-inducing experience. Ideally, you should do yoga each day but even if you can only fit it in a couple of times a week, it will transform you…if you let it.

Take up meditation

Yoga and meditation go hand in hand and when practised together they can give you the happy, peaceful life you always dreamed of. Meditation helps you to understand your mind, sit with negative feelings and ultimately transform bad experiences into good. Meditation is a refuge you can go to any time - give it a go. 

Let go

There are some things in life you simply cannot control, the coronavirus pandemic right now being a case in point. It is impossible to try to control these things because doing so will only leave you frustrated and disappointed. It is far better to be like water, as Bruce Lee would say, and go with the flow. If you can’t change something, stop trying and make the best of the situation at hand. You’ll find this leads to a lot more peace than reacting negatively all the time.

Forget what other people think

You only get one life and only you can live it so stop worrying about what others think. Do the stuff you’ve always wanted to do and start living a life that’s truly worth living.

Kalindi Yoga